Caiden's Story
On March 17th, 2017, 5 month old Caiden Falcon was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. For 7 months Caiden battled his disease surrounded by his family and the love of all the crusaders who followed him. He did so with the ever present smile on his face that brought joy to so many who had the pleasure of knowing him and those whose lives he touched virtually.
On November 20, 2017, just after his 1st birthday, Caiden earned his wings.
If you've ever lost a loved one, the hardest part is going home. What comes next? It's the fear that the memory of the people that we loved so much will be forgotten. The promise that that would not happen is what started Caiden's Crusaders.
Our Goal
We are dedicated to helping families in their crusade against cancer. We assist with life changes; raising awareness to gain greater support in the local and national communities; and ultimately strive to allow families to focus their energy on their battle.
The enormity of childhood cancer cannot be known until one goes through this ordeal. From a parent needing to leave work to care for their child, to other siblings dealing with the trauma of having their brother or sister with a life threatening disease. Together we will work towards the ultimate goal of creating a world without cancer.
On behalf of our family and all of Caiden's Crusaders, we thank you for your continued support!

Caiden Falcon
Meet Our Board Members!
Our Awards
2022 Non-Profit of the Year!